Thursday, November 14, 2013


This week, we had the privilege of hearing Matt Chandler speak to us for 3 days! He spoke on sharing the gospel and the key points to getting this message across. He started his lecture off with this saying, "God-Man-Christ-Response." Through these 4 points, we learned many things. First off, God. He said that you have to start with God; we will never understand the complete sinfulness of man without understanding the greatness of God. Man-by our nature, we are drawn to the creation (stuff) and not the creator. God allows us to go ahead and chase that, in hopes that we will realize that we need Him when we crash. Christ - He was without sin, and he is unlike anyone we have ever known. His death wasn't to show us a model of sacrifice, but it showed the value in the sacrifice. Response - No one can not do nothing with the gospel, you either love it or you hate it.
There were three main points that I learned about salvation from Matt Chandler. 1.) God didn't send His son to die for me. God is for God. 2.) Through God, I can enjoy life. Nothing brings God more glory than me enjoying life. 3.) God made relationships between man and women to represent His longing to have a relationship with me. Right there, #3, blows my mind. God WANTS to be with me. God LOVES me.

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