Then, in 2004, Emmanuel returned to the hospital. Constant pain and a noticeable swelling of his jaw were strong indications that more than just a tooth cavity was to blame. A surgeon attempted an exploratory operation to discover the cause; however, no abnormalities were found. A bewildered Emmanuel returned home to explain the confusing situation to his concerned wife.
Four years later, it was obvious that Emmanuel had a growth in his jaw. The severe protrusion on the side of his face made it difficult for him to get regular work as a mechanic. “People do not want to hire a man that looks sick,” he said. The tumor caused him to flinch with pain whenever he exerted himself. The once active man now found himself on the couch of his living room most days. He sadly said, “I used to like playing soccer. I liked to work in the gym and build my muscles. But when the sickness started, I lost my happiness and my strength. I did not even want to watch soccer on the TV. Now my arms are thin, and my legs are weak.”
Emmanuel had a friend with a vague medical background who came to him and convincingly offered to perform surgery to remove the growth. Desperate for relief, Emmanuel agreed to the risky attempt.
Unfortunately, the friend was not able to remove any of the tumor and caused more damage by aggravating the growth and leaving Emmanuel with a mass of scar tissue on his jaw line. Emmanuel’s condition worsened, and his hope and happiness were further diminished.
Though he was fortunate enough to have some financial support from his parents and his wife’s hairdressing business, Emmanuel still tried to make some money to feed his children. He regularly travelled to Cotonou, Benin, to buy goods with the intention of selling them at a profit in Nigeria.
While walking through the market one day, he had a strange feeling that someone was following him. He noticed a woman who kept looking at him with a concerned look. Eventually he confronted her. She spoke in French. The English-speaking Emmanuel did not understand. “I had a feeling that she was trying to tell me something important. She kept pointing to my tumor,” he said. Emmanuel shouted out for someone to translate for him. A young girl came along and began explaining what the woman was saying.
The woman’s name was Veronique, and her younger brother Odilon once had a growth in the same place as Emmanuel’s tumor. Thanks to an organization called Mercy Ships, Odilon received a free surgery that had removed the tumor. She explained that the ship was docked in the port, not far from where they were. She said that the people on board would be able to fix Emmanuel, give him food, and not even ask for money. “When I heard these things, I was very happy,” Emmanuel said. “My heart was beating fast. I prayed to God, ‘If this is possible, then let it happen.’”
Veronique could certainly relate to the turmoil Emmanuel was experiencing after seeing her own brother suffer with the same condition for years. She proceeded to leave her selling goods with another vendor and told Emmanuel to follow her to the ship.
Emmanuel arrived at the ship, baffled by this sudden answer to prayer. “When I walked on board, it seemed like everyone was happy to see a patient like me,” he recalled. “They took some tests and told me to return in a few weeks for my operation. But then I was scared that the ship was going to leave.”
However, when Emmanuel returned for his surgery, the Africa Mercy was still there, and he was admitted to the on board hospital. The following day, he underwent an eight-hour surgery to remove the growth from his jaw. “When I woke up, they told me how long it took. I was glad when I heard this because it made me realize that they took care to do a good job.”
Due to the work done to his jaw, Emmanuel was unable to chew. To avoid the risk of infection, a feeding tube going directly to his stomach was inserted into his nose. But despite the discomfort, Emmanuel’s spirits were uplifted, and he spoke like a man rejuvenated. “Now that the tumor is gone, I have my happiness again. Praise God!” he exclaimed. “Before, I felt separated from people, but now I see myself as a normal somebody. I phoned my wife and my parents and told them about my operation. They shouted through the telephone, ‘Praise God!’ They were very happy to hear the news.”
For the first time in nearly a decade, Emmanuel is feeling positive about the future. “When I go back to Nigeria, I am planning a lot of what to do because I am a new man now. I believe in God. He knows my heart and what I think, and He knows what is good for me so that my heart is filled with joy,” concluded Emmanuel.
The mercy shown by Veronique in the market and the free surgery provided by Mercy Ships have completely transformed Emmanuel’s life. He is now a walking testimony of the hope and healing Mercy Ships endeavors to bring.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this story, nice to know about Mercy Ships and their good work. I'd like to share a recent film documentary ''The YES Movie'' its about young people life with mission & passion. Louis Lautman)
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